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g Christian Living Site

BellaOnline's Christian Living Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Christian Living Site! These are the top ten articles that your Christian Living Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. The Gospel
What is the gospel? What does it mean to share the gospel? Why is it important?

2. Spiritual Growth - Sanctification
When I first became a Christian I didn’t know what it meant. I have since discovered that many new believers and even some long-time Christians don’t have a comfortable grasp of the meaning of sanctification.

3. What Does It Mean to Be Holy ?
What does the word holy mean to you? Perfect? Pure? Awe-inspiring? What does it mean to be holy?

4. Daniel - When Children Leave Home
As parents, many of us count on the verse, Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. We expect our children to continue living the way they were taught. The truth is that once our children leave home, they make their own decisions.

5. April Devotion - Jesus the Lamb
Do you find it difficult to think of Jesus as the Lamb? I looked into the bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, to find out why Jesus is called the Lamb of God.

6. August Devotion - Roots That Go Deep
Have you noticed that hard times seem to separate people? Given a situation such as financial hardship; there are those who weaken quickly and lose hope. And there are those in like circumstance who seem to thrive. They draw on a boundless source of strength.

7. Fear of the Gospel
How difficult is it to believe in life after death? As Christians, we insist that we believe that Jesus conquered death. How often to we shout it out?

8. A Christian Leader's Personal Life
The Church needs leaders. There is much to do and few who are willing. The rewards of joy and fullfillment are abundant but the commitment is not to be taken lightly.

9. Faith in the Truth
How important is it to know God for who he really is �- the God of the bible? Is it enough to believe in him and to know that he is the way to heaven? Is there more?

10. Through God's Eyes
What would we see if we looked through God's eyes?

Be sure to visit the Christian Living Archives for all the articles!


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