I invite you to join me in learning more about English garden design, traditional English garden plants, and English gardens worth a visit. Just sign up for the BellaOnline English Garden Newsletter. It’s lively, informative and absolutely free!
What to expect
You’ll receive the English Garden Newsletter twice a month. In it, you’ll receive suggestions on seasonal activities in the English garden, new feature articles I’ve written for the English Garden site, great English plants to try, and news about what’s happening in the English garden world. I’ll occasionally recommend a new book, DVD or garden tool that I can’t live without.
In the garden lectures I give, the question I get asked most is: What makes a garden an English garden? In the newsletter, as well as on the English Garden site, I plan to answer this question with practical tips as well as inspirational descriptions of gardens I’ve visited that I feel are quintessential English gardens. I’d also love to hear from you about what else you’d like to see on the site. Let me know if there’s a web site or garden in England that everyone should visit. I also encourage you to start a discussion in the English Garden forum.
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If you have any questions, or if there is a particular topic you wish we would write about, please contact me by clicking on my name at the top of any of the pages in the English Garden site.