Verifying a Press Pass is comprised of around 300 editors who live around the world, each writing on her specific chosen topic of interest. We have women writing about budget travel, honeymoons, quilting, cats, motorcycles, diabetes, and many other topics. Each editor is a volunteer, works out of her home, and reaches our audience of over 20 million pageviews a month.
We issue press passes to our editors to help them in their research for their topic areas. These press passes help industry contacts verify that the editor is an authorized BellaOnline writer and that her content will be publicized and promoted in our network. Each press pass is valid for one year and is renewed at the end of each year.
To the left is a sample Press Pass. Each press pass has the editor's current photo, their name, the topic area they write for, and the year the pass is valid for. In addition there is an editor-specific bar code ID as well as contact information for BellaOnline.
The back of the press pass, not shown, contains a security stamp. This further helps to ensure that only an authorized BellaOnline editor can present this press pass.
To verify the authenticity of a BellaOnline editor, please Contact the BellaOnline Administrator. We will be able to check the credentials of the person you are speaking with to ensure this is a legitimate editor in the BellaOnline network. To verify the style and professional level of the content of the editor, simply browse to their site and read through their online content. You can use our Alphabetical Full Site Listing to find the site most easily.
If you have any other questions about BellaOnline or our volunteer editors, do not hesitate to ask. Our editors are all skilled writers on their individual topics, and write their content in a fully honest, unbiased manner. We take great pride in promoting companies and products that we truly believe in. If an editor has contacted you about helping to promote your product or location, this is a great sign of how well admired your offerings are.
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