DDR Extreme - Dance Dance Revolution Lisa Shea The Dance Dance Revolution, or DDR games, are over a decade old now. How well do they hold up in a modern world of motion sensors?
PlayStation 4 Chat Linked to ISIS? Lisa Shea If you believed several news agencies, the beloved PlayStation 4 is now being used by terrorists to exchange information.
The Art of Final Fantasy IX Lisa Shea The Art of Final Fantasy IX is a great full color, large format book which helps demonstrate just how much effort can go into designing a video game.
Playstation 4 Console Lisa Shea The Playstation 4 is Sony's successor to the Playstation 3, and features a number of great improvements over the older system.
Dragon's Dogma Review Lisa Shea Dragon's Dogma is a D&D style adventure game set in a massive landscape, with a variety of classes available. It is quite immersive and fun.
PS2 / PS3 Walkthrough Index Lisa Shea Looking for a walkthrough for Final Fantasy, Grand Theft Auto, Vice City or other PS2 games? Here is your place to learn!