
Linda J. Paul

The Chariot has always represented a journey to a much yearned for destination. It isn't easy to navigate through life without being pulled off the route by all the good and not so good distractions.

Linda J. Paul

The Aces are the most powerful cards within the Minor Arcana. The potential of new and positive change is held within each of these four cards.

Linda J. Paul

The Star is one of my favorite Tarot cards. It speaks to us of hope in the face of adversity. There may be times when you are struggling through a tough situation or the darkness of your own mind. It is always a blessing to see that slight glimmer of hope shining through the dark tunnel of despair.

Linda J. Paul

The Tower card in Tarot represents a total shake up in your life. It is as if everything around you is crumbling and falling. Kali Ma is a Hindu Goddess whose archetype represents chaos and destruction. The two actually have a lot in common.

Linda J. Paul

Falling into the free Tarot reading trap is an amazingly easy thing to do. Even if you choose not to charge for readings, it isn't fun to wind up being stuck in a room doing Tarot readings while the party flows on around you.

Linda J. Paul

Empathy is definitely a necessity when it comes to reading Tarot. In order to understand what a client is experiencing in his or her life, the reader must be able to fully listen without judgement or bias.